Learning and Learners’ Inability to Learn a Foreign Language

  • Hasan Gurbuz Department of English Language Teaching, Faculty of Education, Tishk International University, Erbil/Iraq
Keywords: Attention-deficit, Behaviour, Comfort zone, Learning, Motivation


Learning is the long-term changes in the individual's behaviour due to experiences. For knowledge and skill to be considered learning, there must be a change in the individual's behaviour, and this change must continue. In this case, repetition is important for learning to become permanent. There are some major issues that students should pay attention to while trying to learn a foreign language. Some are directly related to each other and can be named as lack of motivation, staying within the comfort limits, long vacations, not repeating, and not prioritizing needs. In this study, the most obvious factors affecting the learning of foreign language learners were determined, and it was emphasized what to pay attention to in the learning process.

How to Cite
Gurbuz, H. (2022). Learning and Learners’ Inability to Learn a Foreign Language. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(9), 323-328. https://doi.org/10.47814/ijssrr.v5i9.442