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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 11-point font; Times New Roman , rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The guidelines to prepare content to be contributed to submissions are provided here. It is recommended that submitters thoroughly go through these guidelines at least once before sending their work to the IJSSRR. It is also advised to study and observe the format, style, and content of work that the IJSSRR accepts and publishes by reading the previous issues of the journal via print or online, especially if this is your first submission to the IJSSRR.
Table of contents

1. Formats for IJSSRR Journal Contributions

The manuscripts must be submitted online or via email as an attached file to the relevant email address of the IJSSRR.

1.1 Research Articles

Research papers are original and inventive reports based on authentic evidence which further the comprehension of a problem in their relevant field, and have straight and extensive implications.
An average research article may range from 2000-20000 words (this includes the bibliography, and citations, and captions, and may amount to approximately 25 pages in total), and is for the cause of presenting substantial progress.
The format for a research article includes an abstract, an introduction, tables, and figures, dividing sections with descriptive and concise subheadings. There is a need for the provision of materials and methods, to add authenticity to the paper’s conclusion.

1.2 Letters

Letters may be described as concise findings obtained via creative research, whose relevance and significance lies in the fact that they may interest researchers about different fields. A letter should have no more than 25 references.

It starts with a brief, usually, 200-word paragraph addressing researchers and readers from other fields. The introduction may not exceed 300 words and should be condensed and concise. They are approximately 2500 words long, including bibliography, citations, notes, and captions and amount to ~3 pages. The format followed by a letter includes an abstract, an introductory passage, and up to 4 tables or figures. There is a need for the provision of materials and methods, to add authenticity to the paper’s conclusion.

1.3 Reviews

The purpose of reviews is to elucidate the significance of and advancement in interdisciplinary terms and discover new directions that may be taken. They are usually approximately 3500 words long, including bibliography, citations, notes, and captions. The format followed by a review includes an abstract, a concise introduction relating to the theme of the content reviewed, concise subheadings, and a general description of unresolved questions about the content. The references may not exceed 50 materials. Reviews are usually sought by the editors; however, unsought review submissions may also be accepted.

2. Manuscript Selection

The language adopted by the manuscripts should be clear and comprehensible, so as there is no difficulty for readers from other disciplines and non-native English readers in discerning it. The final decision id communicated to the author via phone or email. Sending multiple submissions of one manuscript will only result in acknowledgment of one. All submissions sent to the IJSSRR are considered as confidential documents. The process of peer review is also private with no disclosure of the identity of the reviewers or their details. For selected submissions, there are two external referees chosen for an extensive in-depth evaluation of the manuscript. The process of reviewing a paper may take anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks and reviewers are contacted before being sent the submission that needs to be reviewed. Papers in need of a quick and thorough assessment have a shorter but equally efficient reviewing process. The finalized submissions undergo an extensive editing process to review and ensure length, clarity, and conciseness. In case of a conflict arising from subjective causes such as interest and comparative merit, the papers may not be resubmitted. There may be considered about resubmission if the rejection of a paper was due to a reviewing mistake. It may be that the reviewing board finds that the format of the paper, its objectives, and conclusions clear and well-derived, but the subject may not be of interest to the IJSSRR due to which it may not be accepted. In some cases, there will be another opportunity of publication provided to the author, on condition that there will be further reviewing and the supplementary data and experimentation required by the reviewer are to be presented by the author. On some occasions, the submission of an adequate word count may be accepted without further reviewing.

There is an effort to finalize the decisions regarding the submissions as quickly as possible. During the consideration procedure, the manuscripts are dealt with electronically. The notification period regarding the submission is usually one week.

3. Format of Research Articles, Letters and Review

Manuscripts are preferred to be presented in the following order:

  • Title
  • Abstract and keywords
  • Text
  • Endnotes
  • References
  • Appendices
  • Tables (each table complete with title and footnotes)
  • Figures

3.1 Title

Titles do not exceed two lines in print. Titles do not normally include numbers, acronyms, abbreviations or punctuation. They should include sufficient detail for indexing purposes, but be general enough for readers outside the field to appreciate what the paper is about.

3.2 Abstract

We suggest each manuscript should accompany a structured abstract to explain to the general reader why the research was done and why the results are significant. A structured abstract should include such contents: the purpose of the research, the materials and methods, and the results. Please do not include citations or undefined abbreviations in the abstract. The preferred length of the abstract is less than 300.

3.3 Text

Research articles are typically 2,000~20,000 words of text (including references, notes, and captions, or ~25 printed pages) are expected to present a major advance.
Research Articles include an abstract, an introduction, up to 2 figures or tables. Materials and Methods should usually be included which will also be needed to support the paper’s conclusions. A typical Letter to IJSSRR journal contains about 2,500 words of text (including the first paragraph of Letters, figure legends, reference list and the methods section if applicable) and four small display items (figures and/or tables) with brief legends. Our preferred format is APA and MSWord. We prefer the use of a ‘standard’ font, preferably 12-point Times New Roman.

3.4 Methods

The Methods section should not normally exceed 15,00 words of text and should be subdivided by short bold headings referring to methods used. If both a Methods Summary and additional Methods section are required, the Methods Summary will appear in print only, but will not appear in the online version of the paper. Therefore, any critical information in the Methods Summary should also be incorporated into the Methods section.

3.5 Endnotes

Endnotes are brief and follow the format of the Research Articles section. Papers containing supplementary information contain a statement before the reference list:
Acknowledgments should be brief, and should not include thanks to anonymous referees and editors, inessential words, or effusive comments. Acknowledgments can contain grant and contribution numbers. Author Contributions: authors are required to include a statement to specify the contributions of each co-author. The statement can be up to several sentences long, describing the tasks of individual authors referred to by their initials.

3.6 References

References are each numbered, ordered sequentially as they appear in the text, methods summary, tables, boxes, figure legends, online-only methods in our nature science and engineering journals. Published conference abstracts, numbered patents, and preprints on recognized servers may be included in reference lists, but text, grant details, and acknowledgments may not. Please follow the style below in the published edition of the IJSSRR journal in preparing reference lists.
We advise the authors to use the APA style to write the reference list. You can visit http://www.apastyle.org/ for detail information. There are some examples of APA style.

1- Reference List: Articles
Article in a Magazine:
Scruton, R. (1996). The eclipse of listening. The New Criterion, 15 (3), 5-13.
Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). U.S. concerns and policy responses, 18 (7), 4-23.
Article in a Newspaper:
Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today’s schools. Time, 135, 28-31.
Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. The Country Today, pp. 1A, 2A.

2- Reference List: Books
Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Translation: Laplace, P. S. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities. (F. W. Truscott & F. L. Emory, Trans.). New York, NY: Dover. (Original work published 1814)

3- Reference List: Electronic Sources (Web Publications)
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of the article. Title of Online Periodical, volume number (issue number if available). Retrieved from


Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A-List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 149. Retrieved from http://www.alistapart.com/articles/writeliving

4- Reference List: Dissertation
Last name, F. N. (Year). Title of dissertation (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Name of database. (Accession or Order Number)

3.7 Tables

Tables should each be presented a portrait (not landscape) direction and upright on the page, not sideways. Tables have a short, one-line title in bold text. The tables should be as small as possible. Symbols and abbreviations are definite immediately below the table, followed by essential descriptive material as briefly as possible, all in double-spaced text. We also use APA format on tables you can visit http://www.apastyle.org/ for detail information. Here is an example.

Table 1
Error Rates of Older and Younger Groups

Number # Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Older 1 Younger 1 Total
1 A11 A21 A31 A41 A51 Y1
2 A12 A22 A32 A42 A52 Y2
n A1n A2n A3n A4n A5n Yn

Topline: 1.5 pt
Middle line: 0.25 pt
Bottom line: 2.25 pt

3.8 Figures

JJMMU journal requires figures in electronic format.
Figures should be as small and simple as is compatible with clarity. The goal is for figures to be comprehensible to readers in other or related disciplines, and to assist their understanding of the paper. Unnecessary figures and parts (panels) of figures should be avoided. Avoid unnecessary complexity, colorful and over the number of details. For instruction, IJSSRR journal standard figure sizes are 95 mm (single column) and 190mm (double column) and the full depth of the page is 283mm.
Some brief guidance for figure preparation:
The figures also are suggested in APA format you can visit http://www.apastyle.org for detail information.

4. Submission

Articles can be submitted on our website https://ijssrr.com or can be turned from Email: editor@ijssrr.com
Please be sure to read the information on what to include as essential content-related issues when putting a submission together. IJSSRR journal authors must make data and materials publicly available upon publication. This includes deposition of data into the related databases and arranging for them to be publicly released on the online publication date.
All manuscripts submitted to this journal should follow the style and method of presentation of American Psychological Association journals. Detailed instructions are given in the revised edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Alternatively, you may wish to use the American Psychological Association’s APA-Style Helper software that was developed as a companion to the Publication Manual for writers in the behavioral and social sciences who need to produce manuscripts and documents written according to APA style.
Manuscripts should be submitted online. For complete detailed instructions on uploading your manuscript, please visit the IJSSRR online submission site (https://ijssrr.com) and log on. If you need assistance, select “help”. Once logged on, select new submission, and then Start the Submission.” If you do not have a user ID, click the “create an account” icon and follow the online instructions. Any major word processing software may be used, and both DOS-based and Macintosh operating systems are acceptable. Authors with no Internet connection should contact the Editorial Office. The author checklists must be completed during the submission process. Copyright assignment is a condition of publication, and papers will not be passed to the Publisher unless copyright has been assigned. A link to the appropriate copyright form can be found online during the submission process. However, authors should not submit a copyright form until their manuscript has been accepted for publication.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Your privacy is important to the International Journal of Social Science Research and Review.  This privacy statement provides information about the personal information that the International Journal of Social Science Research and Review collects, and the ways in which the International Journal of Social Science Research and Review uses that personal information.

International Journal of Social Science Research and Review may collect and use personal information that is necessary for the processing and publication of manuscripts submitted to us. This information may include names, affiliation and contact details; including postal address, emails, phone numbers and fax numbers.

Information that the International Journal of Social Science Research and Review collects may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which the International Journal of Social Science Research and Review operates to enable the use of the information in accordance with this privacy policy. In addition, personal information that you submit for publication on the website will be published on the internet and may be available around the world.

International Journal of Social Science Research and Review may update this privacy policy by posting a new version on this website.  International Journal of Social Science Research and Review is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third party.

For further information or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, please send an email to editor@ijssrr.com.