The Influence of Brand Leadership and Brand Experience on Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention on E-commerce Brand
The purpose of this study is to empirically test the effect of brand leadership on its four dimensions, namely quality, value, innovation, popularity and brand experience on satisfaction and repurchase intention in Tokopedia customers. The population in this study are individuals as consumers who have transacted or shopped online at Tokopedia, are at least 18 years old, and live in West Jakarta. The sample in this study that met the criteria was 222 respondents who were selected using non-probability sampling through convenience sampling techniques. Data collection was carried out by questionnaire via google form which was distributed online. The data that has been successfully collected is processed using PLS-SEM. The results of this study indicate that quality, value, innovation, popularity and brand experience have a positive and significant effect on satisfaction. Then, the results also show that quality, popularity, brand experience, and satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention. However, value has a negative but significant effect and innovation has no significant effect on repurchase intention. Thus, Tokopedia must pay attention to quality, value, innovation, popularity, and brand experience to increase user satisfaction so as to generate repurchase intentions through Tokopedia.
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