The Impact of Perceived Digital Celebrities on Live-Stream Shopping Intention of Shopee Live Users in Jakarta
In the age of digital advancement, shopping activities have changed, one of which is live streaming. Consumers do not need to come to the store to see a product in person, but are represented by a streamer. Through the streamer, the buyer gets a picture of a product before deciding to buy. This study aims to analyze the effect of perceived digital celebrity on live stream shopping intention with the mediation of perceived enjoyment and perceived utility. The sample selection method in this study uses non-probability sampling using purposive sampling technique. The sample size in this study was 260 respondents who were users who had watched Shopee Live live streams and lived in Jakarta. Data collection using a questionnaire distributed online via Google Form. The results showed a positive and significant influence for perceived digital celebrity on live-stream shopping intention, perceived enjoyment and perceived utility can partially mediate between perceived digital celebrity and live-stream shopping intention. Through this research, it can provide information for online sellers to increase perceived enjoyment and perceived utitly so that it can foster purchasing intentions on live steam shopping and can increase sales.
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