Criminal Law Review and Criminology of Felony Murder That Was Done by The Kid in Semarang City
In the last three years, cases of murder committed by children have occurred quite often for the category of crimes that are classified as serious, especially since the perpetrators are minors. The results showed that there were two factors causing the murders committed by children in the city of Semarang, namely internal factors. comes from the child and external factors which include family factors, economic factors and social factors. Cases of murder committed by children cannot be resolved through diversion because the penalty is more than 7 (seven) years, no victim has been asked for an apology and as a form of self-protection for the child as the perpetrator. For families in particular, parents should always be a good example and give more attention and affection to their children. The community is also expected to be more sensitive to the surrounding environment or the environment in which they live so that when an unwanted event occurs, let alone involving a child, they must immediately report it to the authorities. Law enforcers must be able to provide an appropriate and fair punishment considering that the perpetrator is a child who is physically and psychologically unstable and still has the right to reach a bright future.
Hanung P, Pembantu Penyidik Polrestabes Semarang, Wawancara Pribadi, Semarang, (29 Juli 2020), Pukul 11.01.
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