The Home Storage Functions of State Confiscated Objects in the Criminal Justice System

  • Sarah Azizah Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
  • Pujiyono Pujiyono Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Keywords: Functions; State Confiscated Objects Storage House; Criminal Justice System


As a system, the Criminal Justice System has a sub-system consisting of substantial law, legal structure and legal culture. In the legal structure consists of legal institutions (police, prosecutors, courts and penitentiaries). In the legal structure where in carrying out the crime there is a State Confiscated Objects Storage House (RUPBASAN) which functions as a place where all confiscated objects and booty are stored.  The act of confiscation is carried out for evidentiary purposes while the act of deprivation is the execution of the termination of the court which has permanent legal force, however, the two forced attempts have something in common, namely that the object of confiscation or spoils must be properly maintained in order to maintain its condition and not reduce its economic value. To find out analyze the function of the confiscated object storage house in its implementation, the mrthod used empirical judical to obtain accurate results.


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How to Cite
Azizah, S., & Pujiyono, P. (2023). The Home Storage Functions of State Confiscated Objects in the Criminal Justice System. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(4), 495-505.