Influences of Supervision and Organizational Culture on Performance through Work Discipline
Public service quality is determined, among other things, by how optimal management performance is at these institutions. There are several factors that can influence the management performance, namely: organization culture, work discipline and supervision. This research objectives were: to examine influences of organization culture, work discipline and supervision towards management performance; to examine organizational-culture influence on managers ‘performance through discipline of work; and to examine the influence of supervision on managers’performance through work discipline. The research population was managers of activity-acting unit in the National Program for Independent Community Empowerment (NPICE) in Mojokerto Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The determination of sample number used a saturated sampling method, so that all fifty members of population were determined to be the sample. Data collection was done with questionnaire which was directly distributed to respondents. The data analysis technique used the path analysis with the program of Smart PLS. The research resulted in the conclusion that: (1) organizational culture, supervision and discipline of work had a significant and positive influence to managers’performance; (2) organization culture had significant and positive and effects to managers ‘performance through discipline of work (3) supervision had positively and significantly influenced managers ‘performance through discipline of work. Therefore, attempts of improving the management performance of NPICE could be done by strengthening the organizational culture accompanied with consistent supervision and by increasing work discipline.
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