“Other Responsible Legal Measures”: Indonesia Legal Perspective
The study aimed to analyze the concept of “to conduct other actions in accordance with laws” based on the prevailing law in Indonesia as well as examines the concept of “other responsible legal measures” as one of the authorities of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia. This was normative legal research using statutory approach and conceptual approach. The study indicated that the State Police of Indonesia is allowed to take other responsible legal measurement as other actions as long as it is in accordance with law, such as firearm in exigency in maintain the security and public orderliness, law enforcing, and providing protection, safeguard, and services to public. It is in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure, the State Police Law, and other prevailing laws in Indonesia. Further, the concept of “take other responsible legal measures” is regulated in the provisions of Article 48, Article 49 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Article 50, and Article 51 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the Indonesian Penal Code.
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