Development of SaTRU (Tofu Filter) as a Tofu Liquid Waste Treatment Tool in Tinalan Village
The tofu processing industry in Tinalan, Pesantren Subdistrict, Kediri produces massive amounts of wastewater with high level of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD). The toxic substance in the wastewater can potentially endangers the environment in the long term. Government policy in the Ministry of Environment Regulation (Permen LH) No. 05 of 2014 concerning Quality Standards for Soybean Processing Business and/or Activities to minimize the impact of environmental pollution urges the society to take serious action to overcome these problems. In addition, the society also faces obstacles in the form of limited places to process waste. This then becomes a challenge for the government to provide processing facilities for the community while minimizing the impact on environmental sustainability. Reviewing these problems, the author has an innovation in the design of SaTRU (Biofilter as a Sustainable Utilization of Tofu Wastewater Treatment). SaTRU technology was chosen because of its high efficiency and installation that does not require large areas. This activity uses a quasi-experimental design with pretes-posttest design. The results showed that the filter with silica sand, zeolite and charcoal media was able to increase the pH level from 2 to pH 5 and had effectiveness in reducing the pollutant content in the water.
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