Measures to Ensure the Presence of the Defendant in Criminal Procedure with Special Empty Detention

  • Islam Ramadani Student in LLM in Department of Criminal Law. Faculty of Law / UBT - Higher Education Institution, Pristina. Republic of Kosovo
  • Arbr Smirqaku Student in LLM in Department of Criminal Law. Faculty of Law / UBT - Higher Education Institution, Pristina. Republic of Kosovo
Keywords: Detention; Restriction of Human Rights; Legal Basis; Bail; Diversion; House Arrest


Fundamental human rights and freedoms are inalienable and underlie the entire legal order and are guaranteed by various international acts and the highest domestic legal acts. With the commission of a criminal offense, the prosecuting authorities in order to establish a certain factual situation and to establish the relevant legal facts, are obliged to prosecute a certain number of subjects and procedural parties, including the suspect. Therefore, in order to successfully conduct criminal proceedings, it is necessary to ensure the presence of certain persons. Their presence in the panel procedure is achieved by describing the obligation to respond to the invitation of the criminal procedure body. In order to ensure the presence of the defendant in criminal proceedings, there are measures which, in addition to preventing further criminal activity of the perpetrator, also aim to prevent him from avoiding further proceedings. From the above we can give a notion of these measures “which are procedural actions that remove or restrict the freedoms and rights of the person against whom criminal proceedings are conducted. Measures to ensure the accuracy of the defendant are not criminal sanctions. With these measures, efforts are made for successful development of the criminal procedure, but also the achievement of other goals such as: detention of perpetrators of criminal offenses and bringing them to justice, smooth development of criminal proceedings and undertaking criminal procedural actions, execution of the imposed criminal-legal sanction, obstruction of new criminal acts, provision of argumentative material or safety of people. Measures to ensure the presence of the defendant can be applied at all stages of criminal proceedings. The court must take into account the legal conditions laid down for concrete measures and ensure that it does not apply a heavier measure when a milder measure is sufficient. These measures are removed as soon as the causes that caused them cease, or are replaced by other more lenient measures when the conditions are created for this. In this paper will be treated detention on remand as the main issue, which as a measure to ensure the presence of the defendant in the proceedings is considered as one of the most serious measures provided by the legislator to ensure the presence of the defendant in criminal proceedings.


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How to Cite
Ramadani, I., & Smirqaku, A. (2022). Measures to Ensure the Presence of the Defendant in Criminal Procedure with Special Empty Detention. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(8), 75-87.