Money Laundering as a Negative Phenomenon for the Republic of Kosovo

  • Arbr Smirqaku Student in LLM in Department of Criminal Law. Faculty of Law / UBT - Higher Education Institution, Pristina. Republic of Kosovo
  • Islam Ramadani Student in LLM in Department of Criminal Law. Faculty of Law / UBT - Higher Education Institution, Pristina. Republic of Kosovo
Keywords: Money Laundering; Criminal Offense; Illegal; Corruption; Tax Evasion; Criminal Activity; Customs; Negative Phenomena


Money laundering is the process used to conceal the source of money or assets derived from criminal activity and generally involves turning the proceeds of crime into a "lawful" form. In relation to money laundering, we can mean a process that in its first phase aims to hide the existence or illegal source of the proceeds of crime and the second phase which aims to give the assets extracted from criminal activity an appearance legal. Thus, money laundering pursues two ultimate illegal goals: concealing the existence of a criminal offense which has generated criminal assets, and which is committed for motives of economic gain (e.g. Drug trafficking, tax evasion, corruption), and enable perpetrators to enjoy the fruits of their criminal activity by consuming or investing them in the legitimate economy. In our society live different people, some of the people have enough knowledge about this negative phenomenon, while some others do not have knowledge and can not know how dangerous the phenomenon of money laundering can be.


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How to Cite
Smirqaku, A., & Ramadani, I. (2022). Money Laundering as a Negative Phenomenon for the Republic of Kosovo. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(7), 398-410.