Inspection and Reconstruction of the Traffic Accident Site

  • Fjolla Elshani Student in LLM in Department of Criminal Law. Faculty of Law / UBT - Higher Education Institution, Pristina. Republic of Kosovo
Keywords: Inspection; Scene; Traffic Accident; Investigation; Reconstruction


The purpose of this study is to study the scene of traffic accidents where the accident was caused by motor vehicles, including the persons who caused the accident, victims or injured in the accident and those who investigate the scene by collecting evidence during inspection through advanced technological forms and equipment and with the application of methods, where in case of reconstruction they have much easier reconstruction of the scene. Maintaining integrity and law enforcement, have an important role because great importance is given to the scene and during the inspection, we must be extra careful not to damage the data that lead us to the truth. Also, in this paper are presented the conducts how the data are created, found, obtained, examined, and afterwards this material evidence is presented to the court. The scene of traffic accidents and the presentation of information related to inspection and reconstruction is of great importance and for this matter various trainings have been held. Traffic accidents happen a lot, some of them occur due to negligence and some others occur as unexpected. Regarding the phenomenon of surveillance and reconstruction of the scene in cases of traffic accidents, a cooperative team is needed that must act with great speed for the fact that in cases of traffic accidents, traffic can circulate and evidence can be displaced. In cases of inspection and reconstruction of the scene, the body of procedure perceives the environment where the criminal offense occurred, there is discovered, the collection of material evidence, as well as the clarification of the circumstances that are important for the criminal case. Surveillance and reconstruction of the scene is one of the first investigative actions by which the procedural body begins to lay the foundations of the investigation, the stronger and more robust these foundations are, the stronger and faster will be the investigation.


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How to Cite
Elshani, F. (2022). Inspection and Reconstruction of the Traffic Accident Site. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(7), 375-382.