Self-Concept of Migrant Women in the Shackles of the Role and Position of Patriarchic Culture in Pontang Community

  • Rahmi Mulyasih Student of Doctoral Program in Communication Studies, Sahid University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Sihabudin Lecturer of the Doctoral Program in Communication Studies, Sahid University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Fahruddin Faiz Lecturer of the Doctoral Program in Communication Studies, Sahid University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Self-concept of Migrant Women; Social Construction; Patriarchal Culture


The self-concept of migrant women, is part of the meaning that comes from the communication symbols obtained from the stimuli obtained both verbally and non-verbally. Differences in the reception of stimuli received by migrant women lead to different perspectives in shaping the self-concept of migrant women in their role in the scope of patriarchal culture. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to see how the self-concept of migrant women is seen from their role and position as wives in patriarchal culture. The research method used in this study is ethnomethodology, where the ethnomethodology method looks at the social reality of individual activities which then creates a place for social actors. From this, the research results obtained that there are differences in the self-concept of migrant women in interpreting their role and position as a wife, this is based on the construction obtained from the surrounding environment, both family and community

How to Cite
Mulyasih, R., Sihabudin, A., & Faiz, F. (2022). Self-Concept of Migrant Women in the Shackles of the Role and Position of Patriarchic Culture in Pontang Community. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(9), 192-203.