This study aims to: (1) analyze the difference in the mean difference that laboratory-based learning is better than the RME (Realistic Mathematics Education) learning strategy and DL (Direct Learning) learning strategy. Methods This research uses quantitative research with experimental methods is 3×2 factorial with three levels of qualification of independent variables: laboratory-based learning strategies, Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) learning strategies, and Direct Instruction (DI) strategies. The results of this research are Differences in learning outcomes for linear algebra courses between students who are taught using laboratory-based learning strategies and students who are trained using DL (Direct Learning) learning strategies, and those prepared using RME (Realistic Mathematics Education) learning strategies. The average difference value (mean difference) that laboratory-based learning is better than the RME (Realistic Mathematics Education) learning strategy and DL (Direct Learning) learning strategy. Linear Jabar on students with high and low mathematical and logical intelligence. This is in line with the explanation that knowledgeable people will more readily accept or understand lessons. There is an interaction between learning strategies and logical-mathematical intelligence on linear algebra learning outcomes. Based on the study results, it is explained that the collaboration between learning strategies and logical-mathematical intelligence is a form of interaction or influence of learning strategies on learning outcomes of linear algebra courses on mathematical, logical intelligence, or vice versa.
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