Vaccine Patent Rights during the Covid-19 Pandemic as a Form of Justice in Protecting Human Rights

  • Devara Johan Saputra Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
  • Kholis Roisah Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Keywords: The Corona Virus; Ignorance of Intellectual Rights; TRIPS


The advent of the corona virus at the end of 2019 could not have been accidental, leaving nearly every country in the world. These fall into the category of non-natural disasters that pose a serious threat to human life as well as the economic sphere. The WHO finally declared it a pandemic. The pandemic boosted new products that had an intellectual property value: one of them was vaccine products. The rules for safeguarding intellectual property rights could lead to the practice of monopolizing knowledge by the pharmaceutical industry in developed countries. Since the pandemic is a global crisis, some countries demand an override or waiver the property rights of intellectual TRIPS (trade-related materials) on the key technologies of vaccine products. Covid-19 patent waiver is expected to be effective in leveling vaccines around the world. This is possible only with the efforts of developing countries to unpatent vaccine research and development in order to establish immunity to the corona virus.


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How to Cite
Johan Saputra, D., & Roisah, K. (2023). Vaccine Patent Rights during the Covid-19 Pandemic as a Form of Justice in Protecting Human Rights. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(11), 428-437.