Infringement of Brand Rights on Different Products Is an Illegal ACT

  • Khamada Wafi Fahdia Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
  • Kholis Roisah Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Keywords: Brands Infringement; Products of No Kind; Unlawful Conduct


The study aims to find out how the provisions of the law are in violation of brand rights to nongender products and their protective forms, as well as how legal efforts should be made in violation of their laws. Legal protection for legitimate brands' owners is regulated within brand laws intended to give their owners exclusive rights. Legal measures that rights holders can make on broken brands can be made either by civil law or criminal law. Indonesia's brand registration system is a constituent system, and it is recommended that all efforts be quick to register a trademark or service brand for the creditor of intellectual property rights. The holding of a brand would be wise to appeal to the court immediately if there is any indication that a brand offense is committed by another and the cost is not greater.


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How to Cite
Wafi Fahdia, K., & Roisah, K. (2023). Infringement of Brand Rights on Different Products Is an Illegal ACT. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(10), 604-612.