Determinants of Unauthorised Absenteeism at a Public Academic Hospital: The Narratives of Public Hospital Managers
High unauthorised absenteeism rates have adverse impact for the public hospitals. In cognisance the determinants of unauthorised absenteeism, thus, persists a pivotal apprehension for the public hospitals. The study employed an inclusive cross-sectional, qualitative design. The semi-structured interviews were administered to collect data from middle managers and supervisors in a public academic hospital. A thematic analysis approach was observed to analyse the collected data. The qualitative thematic data analysis revealed excessive workload, financial constraints, family issues and responsibilities, low staff morale, and alcohol and drug abuse as determinants of unauthorised absenteeism. The study proposes managers’ perception of the essence of unauthorised absenteeism. The outcomes also have compelling inferences for top management and human resource practitioners. They may utilise these details to analyse how unauthorised absenteeism is managed. Furthermore, the information could be used to evolve positive working conditions purposely to increase staff levels and implementing financial wellness programs. Management could use the results through the implementation of a Performance Development System to motivate employees to fulfill at their ideal level and develop Human Resource policies and procedures for absenteeism for alcohol and substance abuse reduction. The results will add value to the discipline of absenteeism in conjunction with the advancing economy and culminate the pragmatic considerations for middle managers and supervisors and Human Resource practitioners.
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