Law Enforcement against Corruption Crimes in the City of Makassar
This study aims to determine law enforcement against corruption in the city of Makassar and what the judge's consideration of the decision. The research method used in writing this thesis is the empirical method, with secondary and primary data coverage, this research was conducted at the Makassar District Court. The results of this study indicate that the defendant has been proven to have committed a criminal act of corruption, in deciding the case the Assembly has several considerations, ranging from the demands of the Public Prosecutor, the fulfillment of the elements according to the article charged and there is no justification so that he is found guilty. Then the aggravating and mitigating things for the defendant. some of these things become the basis for consideration in making decisions against the defendant and the factors of the public who are still unfamiliar with corruption knowledge. The research recommendation is that law enforcement officers, in this case the Police, the Prosecutor's Office, the Judiciary and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), are not selective in dealing with corruption cases. The perpetrators of corruption crimes should be given the appropriate punishment, considering that the crime of corruption is an extraordinary crime that can have a broad impact and cause suffering to the community so that extraordinary handling is needed in order to create a deterrent effect against corruptors.
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