Building Maritime Awareness Society for Student in the Islamic Boarding School of Raudlatul Hasanah, Medan

  • Sartika Khairani Siregar National Security Faculty, Republic of Indonesia of Defense University, Indonesia
  • Endro Legowo National Security Faculty, Republic of Indonesia of Defense University, Indonesia
  • Yusnaldi Yusnaldi National Security Faculty, Republic of Indonesia of Defense University, Indonesia
  • Pujo Widodo National Security Faculty, Republic of Indonesia of Defense University, Indonesia
  • Herlina Juni Risma Saragih National Security Faculty, Republic of Indonesia of Defense University, Indonesia
Keywords: Maritime Awareness, Citizenship Education Islamic Boarding School,


Forming awareness of the maritime nation is carried out by being the responsibility of all elements of the state both in government, stakeholders and in the world of education and all Indonesian people. Santri is one of the agents of change who will lead this country in the future. The general view of the audience is that students only study religion (especially Islam) and are unable to master other general knowledge. This view is one of the obstacles and barriers for santri to be able to participate in carrying out national goals coupled with the absence of Citizenship Education lessons in class, even though santri are Indonesian citizens and will become leaders in the future so they must be aware that they are a maritime nation. The purpose of this research is to build the character of maritime nation awareness for students as one of the components of agents of social change. This research was conducted at the Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Islamic Boarding School because it is one of the modern Islamic boarding schools with a large number of students so it is hoped that the formation of maritime nation character can be instilled in the students and become a provision of knowledge when returning to carry out social behavior in society. The research method used was field research with a qualitative approach and direct observation at the Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Islamic boarding school in Medan. Observations made were socialization by educating students in grades 4, 5, 6. The output resulting from this research is to produce students who have the character of a maritime nation and have an obligation to protect the sea and marine resources as citizens.

How to Cite
Siregar, S., Legowo, E., Yusnaldi, Y., Widodo, P., & Saragih, H. J. R. (2023). Building Maritime Awareness Society for Student in the Islamic Boarding School of Raudlatul Hasanah, Medan. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(2), 497-503.