Computer Crime

  • Laureta Qunaj Student in Faculty of Law / UBT - Higher Education Institution, Pristina, Republic of Kosovo
Keywords: Cybercrime; Characteristics of Cybercrime; Computer Fraud; Theft of Information; Computer Sabotage


In the last decades, we have an exceptionally large increase in computer crime, therefore, bearing in mind this fact, we have tried to present computer crime as a fairly widespread form both in Kosovo and in the region. By researching the criminality literature of different authors, we were able to focus our research on the analysis of the appearing forms of this phenomenon. The purpose of this paper is also to analyze the features or characteristics of cybercrime as a form of white collar crime as well as the forms of presentation of computer criminality. The paper uses methods of analysis, content, qualitative methods and comparative methods.


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Internet Resources
J.Sumida: Computer crime, marrë nga internet :
How to Cite
Qunaj, L. (2023). Computer Crime. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(2), 266-274.