Notary Legal Responsibility for Forgery of Notary Deeds by Workers

  • Alfiana Alfiana Master of Notarial Law Program, Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Nurini Aprilianda Lecturer Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Hariyanto Susilo Lecturer Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Legal Responsibility; Deed Forgery; Indonesia


In this thesis, the author analyzes legal protection for notaries related to forgery of notarial deeds by their workers, which is motivated by the existence of cases of forgery of notaries by notary workers where notaries bear material and immaterial losses. In addition, a notary can be held liable from a criminal, civil and administrative perspective due to the falsification of a notary deed by his/her employees. There is a law that is very related to preventive legal protection for Notaries in the event that their workers falsify Notary deeds the writing of this thesis uses the Normative Juridical method, with statutory and conceptual approaches. The types of legal materials are primary, secondary, and tertiary with technical literature study legal materials search. Techniques of analysis of legal material systematic interpretation.

How to Cite
Alfiana, A., Aprilianda, N., & Susilo, H. (2023). Notary Legal Responsibility for Forgery of Notary Deeds by Workers. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(3), 6-17.