Rights and Obligations of the Parties Against International Arbitration Awards in Indonesia
The position of international arbitration awards which is different from national arbitration awards and district court decisions causes differences in the rights and obligations of the parties to arbitral awards, especially those relating to legal remedies against awards. The formulation of the problem in this study is how are the rights and obligations of the parties to international arbitral awards in Indonesia. The research method used in this article is legal research using primary and secondary legal materials. The results of the study state that the rights possessed by the parties to international arbitral awards in Indonesia are related to legal remedies against decisions, namely corrections to these international arbitral awards. The corrections to the decisions here are not only limited to administrative corrections but also corrections related to the principal international arbitral awards made before the request for execution was registered at the Central Jakarta District Court. While the obligations of the parties to international arbitral awards are to carry out international arbitral awards in good faith.
Copyright (c) 2023 Lona Puspita, Abdul Rachmad Budiono, Afifah Kusumadara, Setyo Widagdo

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