Improvement of Verbal Linguistic Intelligences in Children Aged 5-6 Years Using Magneticeria Puzzle Learning Media at PAUD Karya Galang, Bengkulu City

  • Sinta Agusmiati Tarbiah and Tadris Faculty, PGMI, Bengkulu State Islamic Institute
  • Rahmad Ferdiansah Tarbiah and Tadris Faculty, PGMI, Bengkulu State Islamic Institute
  • Nidhia Firdha Tarbiah and Tadris Faculty, PGMI, Bengkulu State Islamic Institute
Keywords: Magneticeria Puzzle Learning Media, Verbal Linguistic Intelligence


The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in children's verbal linguistic intelligence using magneticeria puzzle learning media in PAUD Karya Galang Kota Bengkulu. This research is a classroom action (PTK) conducted in three cycles. The results of the research from the data obtained showed that the children's language skills in each cycle experienced development. This can be seen from the average score in the Pre-Cycle with completeness of classical learning of 21,44% very low criteria. In Cycle I, with classical learning completeness of 42,81% moderate criteria. In Cycle II, with completeness of classical learning at 64,92% high criteria. Last in Cycle III 91.66%, the criteria were very high. This shows that the action taken using magneticeria puzzle learning media can improve verbal linguistic intelligence (verbal linguistic intelligence) of children in PAUD Karya Galang, Bengkulu City.


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How to Cite
Agusmiati, S., Ferdiansah, R., & Firdha, N. (2021). Improvement of Verbal Linguistic Intelligences in Children Aged 5-6 Years Using Magneticeria Puzzle Learning Media at PAUD Karya Galang, Bengkulu City. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 4(3), 48-53.