Military–Political Views of Amir Temur and Strategic Actions

  • Fatkhulla Khabibullaevich Khikmatov Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Science, Senior Lecturer, Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Amir Temur, Strategy; Stratagems; Strategic Actions; Military Tricks; Military Tactical Methods; Security Belt; Historical Situation; Art of Conquest; Strategy Analysis; Tactical Analysis


Amir Temur was a talented strategist and statesman who was able to build a powerful empire, influence the policy pursued not only in the region but also in the international arena, and contributed to the formation of new relations in it. Interest in its image and history is high both in the Middle Ages and today. Many scientific, historical and artistic works have been written about him, and dozens of scientists around the world have devoted their lives to the study of the history and activities of Amir Temur. The article also deals with the issues of strategic actions and strategies in the political and military views of Amir Temur.


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How to Cite
Khikmatov, F. K. (2023). Military–Political Views of Amir Temur and Strategic Actions. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(1), 388-399.