Video-Assisted Inquiry Learning in Science Lessons and Implementation to Enhance Students' Critical Thinking Abilities in Elementary School
This research aims to see the impact of inquiry-based learning (IBL) using video-assisted has on science studies on critical thinking ability. The study used a total of 58 students from both classes VA as an experiment class and VB as an expository class, conducted in one of Bekasi elementary schools. This research used a mixed method, while tests, surveys, interviews, and observations were used for the data gathering. The tests have been tested for validity and reliability. This study also used pre-test and post-test of the control group design. According to Kolmogorov Smirnov, the results of the N-Gain score from experiment class Sig. is 0.98 > 0.05 and the N-Gain result from the expository class is 0.20 > 0.05, thus, this means that both of the class have normal distribution classes. Homogeneity test using SPSS 22 produces a Sig. value of 0.292 > 0.05, this means both data are homogeneous then analysis followed through the T-test. Based on the independent sample test in Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances conclude that Sig. the score is 0.000 < 0.05. This means, there is a significant difference in effectiveness between the use of inquiry-based learning with video-assisted-in experiment class to improve the critical thinking ability of students in class V elementary school in Bekasi. Then, in conclusion, H0 is denied and H1 is approved, which means that the user of inquiry-based learning with video assistance can improve students' critical thinking skills in class V on the science subject of human motion tools.
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