Uzbekistan and UNESCO: Heritage Diplomacy in Practice

  • Mamurakhon Abrorkhuja qizi Alisherkhujay Doctoral Student, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Uzbekistan; UNESCO; Diplomacy; Multilateral Diplomacy; Heritage Diplomacy; Heritage Preservation


The diplomacy of Uzbekistan within UNESCO consists of heritage preservation as one of the directions and it is evident that it takes the main part of multilateral cooperation. With this article, we want to discuss the action of heritage diplomacy in the context of the UNESCO and Uzbekistan relationship. The main purpose is to investigate the contemporary practice of Uzbek heritage preservation and get an analytical summary of conducting heritage diplomacy in the young Central Asian State. Although diplomacy itself can be interpreted as a modern and comparatively young scientific sphere – Heritage diplomacy is the newest direction for Uzbekistan’s international relations and diplomacy theory and practice. Using a qualitative method of primary and secondary data, the article compares two different and broad periods of Uzbekistan in the field of UNESCO heritage diplomacy and will contribute to the academic relevance of this topic.


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How to Cite
Alisherkhujay, M. A. qizi. (2022). Uzbekistan and UNESCO: Heritage Diplomacy in Practice. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(12), 686-691.