Activities of State Organizations, Neighborhoods, Households, and the General Public in the Upbringing of Adolescents and Children

  • Tulkin Khabibullaevich Gozibekov Senior Teacher, Lieutenant Colonel, Institute of Advanced Training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Keywords: State Organizations; Neighborhood; Household; The General Public; Education; Adolescents; Children


This scientific study gives information about the role of the state organizations, the neighborhood, and the general public in accomplishing preventive activities related to the child and his upbringing in the household. It also analyses the definition of the household as a sacred place. In addition, thoughts about the substance of the family, its socio-spiritual, demographic conditions, activities related to the upbringing of the child, the role of the household in the raising of a child, the importance of the role of organizations responsible for determining the strict control order, involving the representatives of relevant social administration and the general public are expressed. The saying of slogan “Motherland begins with the family” has become the basis of the household’s lifestyle; these historical processes have reached our present day with their traditions and customs.


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How to Cite
Gozibekov, T. K. (2022). Activities of State Organizations, Neighborhoods, Households, and the General Public in the Upbringing of Adolescents and Children. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(12), 574-579.