the The Contribution of Siripuan's Traditional Civilization to Religious Moderation Identity in the City of Kupang

(A Phenomenological Study of the Meaning of Siripuan Philosophy as an Identity of Religious Moderation in Airmata Village, Kota Lama District, Kupang City)

  • Syarifuddin Darajad Muhammadiyah Kupang University Sociology Study Program, Indonesia
  • zainur Wula Muhammadiyah Kupang University Sociology Study Program, Indonesia
Keywords: Traditional; Civilization; Siripuan Identity; Moderation; Religion


The identity of religious moderation in Kupang City is inseparable from the contribution of Traditional Civilization from the Siripuan Tradition as one of the values ​​of local wisdom which continues to be developed by the Islamic community in the Kelurahan as the first center of the Islamic da'wah movement in Kupang City in responding to the challenge of religious moderation on the island of Timor, NTT. This study raises the issue of how the phenomenon of traditional Siripuan civilization relates to the identity of religious moderation in Airmata Village, as well as Siripuan as a symbol of multicultural community interaction in Airmata Village, Kota Lama District, Kupang City. This study aims to determine the Social Historical Phenomenon of Siripuan Traditional Civilization towards the identity of religious Moderation in Airmata Village, Kota Lama District, Kupang City, and to know the symbolic meaning of Siripuan towards social interaction of multicultural communities in Airmata Village, Kota Lama District, Kupang City. This research uses the Symbolic Interaction Theory which is directed to look at social actions in organizations traditionally. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method, with the type of Phenomenological research. Sources of data collected through observation, interviews and documentation.The results of the study show that: Socially historically the Siripuan traditional civilization in Airmata sub-district has become a symbol of religious interaction which has quite a positive impact on community tolerance within the frame of religious moderation in Kupang City, so that the Kupang City government designated it as an important part of one of the Religious Tourism destinations in Kupang city area.and Siripuan is a symbol of a social reality of the diversity of the Airmata community which is implemented in the activities of the Prophet's Birthday Celebration Rituals to create community tolerance within the Frame of Religious Moderation in Kupang City.

Author Biography

Syarifuddin Darajad, Muhammadiyah Kupang University Sociology Study Program, Indonesia

Associate Professor

How to Cite
Darajad, S., & Wula, zainur. (2023). the The Contribution of Siripuan’s Traditional Civilization to Religious Moderation Identity in the City of Kupang. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(1), 260-269.