The Role of Family Contracts in the Regulation of Family Relations and Their Juridical Nature

  • Khurshida Khodjiakbarovna Saydivalieva Head of Department, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Law, Research Institute “Family and Women” under the State Committee of Family and Women of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Keywords: Family Relations; Law; Obligation; Mutual Trust; Property Relations; Personal Non–Property Relations; Regulation; Contract; Law; Norm; Family Members; Subject; Object; Family Law; Civil Law


The article focus on the implemented state policy on strengthening the institution of the family, the specifics of family relations, as well as the role and importance of the contract in their regulation. In particular, the difference of family relations from civil legal relations is considered and the mechanisms for regulating family relations are analyzed. The author studied the practice of concluding a family legal contract and provided an analysis of the sections of the regions. Problems have also been identified with the development of the family legal contract as an independent institution in family law. The family code considers the classification of family legal contracts and their regulation of property and personal non–property relations, the types of contracts used in practice, although not specified in the legislation. In the family legislation of foreign countries, the types and importance of family legal contracts are studied. A definition of a family legal contract is given, indicating its different aspects from a civil legal contract.


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How to Cite
Saydivalieva, K. K. (2022). The Role of Family Contracts in the Regulation of Family Relations and Their Juridical Nature. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(12), 553-559.