Intertextuality and Its Functions in a Literary Text

  • Feruza Bakhodir kizi Mukhamedova Independent Researcher, Teacher, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Intertextuality; Terms; Cultural Studies;Legends;Myths;Literature;Dialogue; Postmodernism


Man has always strived to comprehend the new and unusual, to achieve the best and the highest. This search for the transcendent, the beyond is reflected in the texts of different cultures: legends, myths, fairy tales, sacred texts, and then in esoteric and fiction. Literary texts are of particular interest, as they are deeply anthropocentric, figurative, aesthetic. They are aimed at the reader and at the same time have an aesthetically oriented conceptuality – i.e. express the uniqueness of the author’s concept sphere. In modern fairy tales and fantasy, much attention is paid to the form of the transcendent, which allows the authors to create entire fantastic worlds.


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How to Cite
Mukhamedova, F. B. kizi. (2022). Intertextuality and Its Functions in a Literary Text. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(12), 537-541.