Exploring the Invisibility of Women’s Resilience in Facing Anthropogenic Disasters
The intensity of anthropogenic disasters increases with the pace of climate change, but on the other hand, the invisibility of women’s experiences has negated women’s capacity to build disaster resilience. This study aims to determine the factors that support women’s participation in anthropogenic disaster management. The Publish or Perish (PoP) application is used to review and retrieve articles on the Google Scholar database and find 15 relevant articles on women’s resilience. Based on the results of the article review, it was found that there were two important factors related to one another, namely, community support for women and access to resources, which provide space, opportunities, and appreciation for women as important agents in disaster management. In addition, there are also individual factors and their influence on women’s resilience, namely the level of spirituality, optimism, and hope that women bring to their domestic experiences. Thus, this paper has shown that women’s participation in public space is an important part of disaster management schemes.
Copyright (c) 2023 Intan Rahmawati, Faridatur Riskiyah

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