Bali Agro-tourism Development: Integrating a Micro-Scale Business and Natural Conservation
This study aims at presenting the development of agro-tourism in Bali which is advantageous for the tourism industry. The research method carried out by a survey where one of the data is obtained from the distribution of questionnaires. Respondents of 60 from samples of four groups’ micro and medium entrepreneurship in some villages. By applying descriptive-qualitative analysis, the collected data both primary and secondary was analyzed properly. The study reveals that firstly, agro-tourism development can enhance the local people welfare as they have activities which create income for daily needs as well save for others. Secondly, the concept of agro-tourism to be developed can result environment conservation. The evidence is the people’s endeavor of growing horticultural plants, such as coffee, cocoa, cloves, vanilla, and other compliment plats like ginger, lemon grass, ginseng, cinnamon, spices including the local fruits and vegetable. It can be further suggested that the development of agro-tourism in some villages with their should involve the related stakeholders and its sustainability should always be maintained.
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