Development of Information Technology-Based Waste Management in Probolinggo City

  • Aman Suryaman Doctoral Program of Environmental Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Soemarno Soemarno Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Aulanni’am Aulanni’am Department of Biomedical, Faculty of Veterinary, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Waste Management, Information Technology, Environmental Regulations


Reducing the rate of population growth is a less efficient strategy to minimize garbage output than the importance of each citizen participating in the development of sustainable waste management. Effective reduction can be achieved by increasing community involvement as the main source of waste.  The use of information technology (Internet) in terms of waste services is one example of sustainable waste management. The Internet of Things (IoT) environment enables the perception, acquisition, processing, and transmission of environmental information. This study aims to develop waste management in Probolinggo City with the involvement of information technology-based community participation. This research using a qualitative descriptive analysis method, Probolinggo City can determine the extent of community participation in trash management based on information technology. The level of information technology-based community participation will have a significant impact on the development of sustainable waste management in Probolinggo City with the development of a Smart Environment through the SIEMAK KASRAKAS application, the benefits of which are felt by the community, according to research on engineering innovations in waste management. Therefore, a commitment is required from the Environmental Service (DLH) and the community to carry out waste management tasks using information technology, in order to provide a clean, healthy, and comfortable environment that complies with environmental regulations.

How to Cite
Suryaman, A., Soemarno, S., & Aulanni’am, A. (2023). Development of Information Technology-Based Waste Management in Probolinggo City. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(12), 677-685.