Ability of Deaf Students in Internalizing Ecopreneurship Values

Keywords: Deaf Students; Ecopreneurship; Ability


Universitas Negeri Jakarta as a tertiary institution providing inclusive education through a special service unit provides several programs. In the form of a superior program instilling soft skills and hard skills. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by integrating the value of entrepreneurship in the Education Innovation course. The strategy for developing an entrepreneurial interest through the lecture process begins with mapping the characteristics of course participants, syllabus, and teaching materials by the IQF level 6 standard which describes learning outcomes based on a predetermined student entrepreneur profile.

How to Cite
Yarmi, G., Marja, M., Siregar, Y., & Iasha, V. (2023). Ability of Deaf Students in Internalizing Ecopreneurship Values. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(2), 34-39. https://doi.org/10.47814/ijssrr.v6i2.831