Metal as a Ballistic-Resistant Lightweight Protective Material in the Military Field

  • Winka Wino Yunanda Defense Industry Study Program, Faculty of Defense Technology, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Gathut Imam Gunadi Defense Industry Study Program, Faculty of Defense Technology, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Kasim Kasim Defense Industry Study Program, Faculty of Defense Technology, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
Keywords: Metal, Composite; Protective Material; Military; Defense


The use of metal and composite materials in the military field is very wide. This review provides insight into metallic materials, metal composites and structures and their applications in defense, particularly as light weight ballistic shielding materials. In general, three categories—clothing, helmets, vehicles, and structure reinforcement—can be used to classify military needs that call for materials with strong ballistic resistance. Increasing the capability of metal and composite materials through reduced weight is proven to provide significant performance in increasing the mobility capabilities of personnel and vehicle defense.


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How to Cite
Yunanda, W. W., Gunadi, G. I., & Kasim, K. (2022). Metal as a Ballistic-Resistant Lightweight Protective Material in the Military Field. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(12), 287-296.

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