Classification of Works on the History of Islam

  • Mukhabbat Mirtokhirovna Agzamova Doctor of Philosophy in History, Senior Teacher, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Islamic History; Prophet; Historian; Source; Mukhtasar; Mufassal; Author; Tasnif; Author; Classification; Hijri; Scholar; Hadith; Tafsir; Sharia; Ahkam; Tawil; Sunnah


In the early years, the formation of genres in the field of history among Muslim peoples was influenced by a number of factors. In the process of the formation of Islamic historiography, works were written in siira and maghazi, tabakot and tarojim, history, fihrist and, for example, historical traditions and events. In early times, as in any society, the main source of written historiography was oral stories and narratives.


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How to Cite
Agzamova, M. M. (2022). Classification of Works on the History of Islam. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(12), 60-66.