Formulation of Restorative Justice Concept in Criminal Law Reform
The concept of Restorative Justice is relatively new in the criminal law enforcement process and also holds the perpetrators accountable. Philosophically, this concept offers a form of settlement of various legal cases that occur outside the existing criminal justice process, so that society does not only depend on the current procedures in accordance with the reflection of Pancasila values, namely "Fair and Civilized Deliberations" in order to achieve social justice for all people or citizens in the Republic of Indonesia. This research method uses normative legal research, namely by conducting research on legal materials related to the Formulation of the Concept of Restorative Justice in Criminal Law Reform. Legal politics in the development of a national legal system must be based on Pancasila as a guide and filtering tool for national legal politics and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as the basic law. One of the political forms of criminal law reform is known as the concept of restorative justice which is an alternative mechanism for resolving legal problems that occur without resorting to the judicial process.
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