The Granulation Methods of Double Base Propellant for Small Caliber Ammunition: A Review
One of the most essential unit procedures in propellant production is granulation, or particle enlargement through agglomeration. The granulation process transforms small fine or coarse particles into huge agglomerates known as granules. The granulation process converts fine powders into free-flowing, dust-free granules that are easier to compress, affecting propellant grain size. The propellant industry expects produce quality propellant which can increase the performance of weapon. Method of propellant granulation should have optimized in accordance with the size of grain. One of the most active areas of double base propellant research is the development of granulation method. The literature review method was used to obtain data, by using the keywords double base propellant research, and the criteria for granulation method. The data obtained in the form of the results of the development granulation method to produce qualify size grain of propellant to increase performance. The data shows that the method of granulation can be conventional or modern based on development of technology. Production on laboratory scale widely uses sieving or mesh to form granules of propellant. This method widely known as conventional method. Development of technology influence method of granulation in manufacturing propellant, for example extrusion with vertical hydraulic press, ram extruder, screw extruder, and cutting uses rotary cutting machine.
Copyright (c) 2023 Wahyu Sri Setiani, Mala Utami, Winka W. Yunanda, Muzizah Muzizah, Kharismaji Kalasmoro, Rejang M. A. A. S. Wardani, Tiwi G. Ningsih, Suharnoko Suharnoko, Yayat Ruyat, Mas Ayu Elita Hafizah

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