The Administrative transformation of the Urban Authority and the Emerging Quarantined Rural Satellite Towns (ERSTs) in Urban Authorities. The Case of Dodoma National Capital City, Tanzania
This study explores how the evolutionary changes in urban administrative status from lowest (Town) to highest (City) ranks resulted in the Re-Emergence of Un – Ecological Quarantined Rural Satellite Towns and Rural Operations in Dodoma Tanzanian National Capital City. Under such circumstances, Un – ecological Rural operations and urbanisms become more prevalent in 28 newly emerged Quarantined Rural Satellite Towns in the City locality which enhances the disappearance and reappearance of Un - Ecological urban environment and land use land cover changes, land degradation in the City locality. The empirical evidence for this study was drawn from interviewing 443 respondents in 13 wards and 53 sub wards and through analyzing Landsat satellite images of 1998, 2008, 2018 and 2022 years by GIS. The study findings revealed that Local people are not relocated out of the city but instead urbanite at a rural scale into the City locality. Objectively, Un -Ecological Rural Operations in 28 Rural Satellite Towns in Dodoma City localities have contributed more to the Urban Ecological Environment degradation to a point that built-up land in the period of 24 years from 1998 to 2022 increased by 2221 ha, bare land by 15,737 ha and vegetation declined by 17,958 ha. If Dodoma City persists in the same way up to 2030 without Green Building Concepts and Design, New Urbanism and Ecological Modernization theories interventions it will lose the potential of being a resilient and habitable City. Sustainable development principles are recommended to be utilized in all the major development projects to be carried out in the city advert the situation.
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