Community Participation through Garden Always in Makassar City
This research was conducted in Makassar City which wanted to see the extent of community participation carried out by the Makassar City Government. Community empowerment where the locus is in the slums, smelly and less attractive to look at. This situation became better after being touched with the Lorong Garden Program (Lorong). Of the 14 sub-districts in Makassar City, many of which were previously slums, now it looks much better than after being touched by the Lorong Garden Program. Because the benefits are very good, the community is able to empower themselves without any more intervention from the government. The impact of this program is felt directly by the community because every day mothers can reap the results where part of it for consumption can partly be sold as household income. There is no problem with marketing because the pagandeng (sellers with ontel bicycles) come directly to the aisles to buy them and then they resell them.
Copyright (c) 2022 Ridwan Ridwan, Andi Mamu

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