Afghanistan: The Changing State of its Health System and the Contribution of NGOs and the International Community
In unstable or low-income states, incapacity to react to population demands typically derives from insufficient health systems. High-income countries have incentives to offer them health aid since a humanitarian catastrophe might damage global peace and stability. Diseases and epidemics heighten the hazard. International community and NGOs must intervene. Afghanistan is a country that needs this help, due to recurrent hostilities, unstable regimes, the covid epidemic, and the return of the Taliban. As a result, Afghanistan has been lacking a competent health system for years. Despite some successful initiatives to rebuild and enhance the Afghan health system following the Taliban's fall in 2001, it's significantly more chaotic now. The Taliban's return to power has harmed Afghanistan's health. Several causes have lowered Afghan residents' health, with women suffering the most since they are typically deprived from basic medical treatment. Moreover, socioeconomic changes have also been noticed after the overthrow of the previous government. The broader context of the health situation in Afghanistan looks increasingly ominous, prompting the international community to lift its sanctions and provide aid.
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