EFL Classroom Activities in Teaching Listening Using Songs for Students

  • Figen Güler English Education Department Graduate Program, Bilkent University, Turkey
  • Eylem Bozkurt English Education Department Graduate Program, Bilkent University, Turkey
Keywords: Classroom Activity, EFL, Song, Teaching Listening


The aim of this study was to reveal English Foreign Language (EFL) classroom activities conducted by teachers in teaching listening using songs. A qualitative study method was applied. Three teachers of a senior high school in Indonesia were interviewed. Classroom observations were done. Teachers strongly believed that their students enjoyed the class and involved in the activities provided. The results show that students were eagerly active in the class joining activities conducted by teachers in teaching listening using songs. There were sixty students given questionnaire. They were chosen randomly. The study implies that it is necessary for teachers to plan various activities to attract students’ attention as well as to choose the appropriate song so that all of students are engaged in the learning process.


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How to Cite
Güler, F., & Bozkurt, E. (2021). EFL Classroom Activities in Teaching Listening Using Songs for Students. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 4(1), 34-44. https://doi.org/10.47814/ijssrr.v4i1.63