National Character: Integration Nationalist Value on Civics Teaching Materials in Elementary School

  • Florentina Zarco Social Science Studies, Sorbonne Université, France
  • Patricia Shalati Social Science Studies, Sorbonne Université, France
Keywords: Teams Games Tournament, Learning Motivation, Science Achievement


This research is conducted to know the effect of Team Games Tournament (TGT) learning model with “Numbered-Board Quiz” game in increasing science learning achievement of four grade students in Sawahan, Madiun. Although many research results show that students’ learning achievement are much improved, however the use of TGT learning model in science and the use of it in teaching learning process for elementary school are rarely found. Many teachers have not known about TGT learning model. The main requirement to observe science teaching learning process in the class refers to the requirement to the application of learning model TGT especially in science subject. The purpose is to know the effectiveness of the application of TGT to improve students’ achievement based on learning motivation. The population in this research is 154 students that come from 6 schools, 79 students are in experiment group and 75 students are in control group. Students in experiment group are given treatment with TGT learning model while students in control class are given treatment conventional learning model that is direct teaching. Collecting data is conducted two times, they are pretest and posttest. The result shows the significant differences of science learning achievement between students that are given TGT learning model and conventional method, also there is an interaction between the learning model used with student learning motivation.


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How to Cite
Zarco, F., & Shalati, P. (2021). National Character: Integration Nationalist Value on Civics Teaching Materials in Elementary School. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 4(1), 25-33.