The Role of the Correctional Hall of Serang in the Settlement of Child Offender Through Diversion in Juvenile Justice System

  • Nurul Azim Faculty of Law, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Child Protection, Juvenile Justice System, Diversion


Child imprisonment turns out to not be able to prosper children and interfere with children's growth and development. Children's rights are recognized globally through the Convention on the Rights of the Child through Presidential Decree Number 36 of 1990 concerning Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Chilid (Convention on the Rights of the Child). The research method used is normative juridical using a statutory approach and a case approach. How is Bapas' war in resolving children in conflict with the law, through a diversified approach at the stage of investigation, prosecution and examination in court, as well as whether the obstacles in solving children's cases conflict with the law through diversion at the stage of investigation, prosecution and trial in court. The role of Bapas Class II A Serang in Resolving Children in Conflict with the Law through Diversion at the stage of Investigation, Prosecution and Court Examination, is to make Community Research Reports and supervise children in conflict with the law.

Author Biography

Nurul Azim, Faculty of Law, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia

Child imprisonment turns out to not be able to prosper children and interfere with children's growth and development. Children's rights are recognized globally through the Convention on the Rights of the Child through Presidential Decree Number 36 of 1990 concerning Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Chilid (Convention on the Rights of the Child). The research method used is normative juridical using a statutory approach and a case approach. How is Bapas' war in resolving children in conflict with the law, through a diversified approach at the stage of investigation, prosecution and examination in court, as well as whether the obstacles in solving children's cases conflict with the law through diversion at the stage of investigation, prosecution and trial in court. The role of Bapas Class II A Serang in Resolving Children in Conflict with the Law through Diversion at the stage of Investigation, Prosecution and Court Examination, is to make Community Research Reports and supervise children in conflict with the law.


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Kompas. Com. Jernih Melihat Duani. Diakses 7 Agustus 2020 pukul 16.00.
How to Cite
Azim, N. (2021). The Role of the Correctional Hall of Serang in the Settlement of Child Offender Through Diversion in Juvenile Justice System. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 4(1), 9-15.