Presidential Threshold Seen From Perspective Constitutional Democracy

  • Labib Muttaqin Faculty of law, Muhammadiyah University, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Alfian Rizki Ananda Faculty of law, Muhammadiyah University, Indonesia
Keywords: Presidential Threshold; Constitution; Simultaneous General Election


This study is intended to discuss and compare the presidential threshold in the perspective of constitutional democracy. The president is the head of government who is directly elected by the people. The election of president and vice president is one of the prerequisite procedures for the successful implementation of a country's government. In accordance with the basis of the 1945 Constitution that Indonesia is based on a constitution that contains democratic principles, it is implied in Article 6A of the 1945 Constitution, then the requirements are regulated in Law No. 7 of 2017. In simultaneous elections, the constitutional right of every citizen to nominate himself as president and vice president, which is implied in Article 222 of the Election Law is considered to limit the constitutional rights of every citizen.

Author Biographies

Labib Muttaqin, Faculty of law, Muhammadiyah University, Indonesia


Muhammad Alfian Rizki Ananda, Faculty of law, Muhammadiyah University, Indonesia


How to Cite
Muttaqin, L., & Ananda, M. (2022). Presidential Threshold Seen From Perspective Constitutional Democracy. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(10), 259-265.