Role Playing to Improve Writing Skill of English Public Speaking Text
The researchers found in the preliminary study that the average value of writing skill of English public speaking text is 55.34. Monotonous, less enjoyable learning strategy and the teacher only focuses on completing the material so that the learning process can only transfer knowledge are reasons of the teacher always uses so that the level of mastery of the material is low which ultimately decreases student achievement. Researcher proposes a strategy in teaching speaking skill, namely role playing learning strategy to overcome this problem. Improving writing skill of English public speaking text is designed by using Role-playing learning strategy. Explaining how Role-playing learning strategy can improve writing skill of English public speaking text in the 4tha semester English Study Program, Business Administration Department, State Polytechnic of Madiun is the purpose of this study. Design of this study uses a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which is collaborative in nature where researchers and teacher collaborate in carrying out this research. In implementing Role-playing learning strategy, researcher acts as an observer while English teacher become collaborator of researcher. This research was carried out in a cycle that refers to procedures for action research, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Each cycle in this study consisted of two meetings. The research data was collected through several instruments, namely evaluation of writing skill of English public speaking text in English speaking, questionnaires, and field notes. The subjects of this study were 4tha semester of D3 Program students, English Study Program, Business Administration Department, State Polytechnic of Madiun. The results of the overall average score of in improving writing skill of English public speaking text in English speaking in the first cycle of 65.34, in the second cycle of 80.34, and in the third cycle of 88.57. Classroom action research can be stopped in cycle III because it is in accordance with the average criteria of success is 85.01. The interesting of students towards the implementation of Role-playing learning strategy shows that students are happy and interested in implementing Role-playing learning strategy.
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