Integration Processes Between Higher Education and Production: Current Status and Development Prospects

  • Khilola Uktamovna Umarova Director of the Agency for Presidential Educational Institutions, Independent Researcher at the Institute for Research of the Youth Problems and Training Prospective Personnel, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Higher Educational Establishments; Integration; International Ratings; Strategic Purpose; Interdisciplinary Research and High-Tech Development


This article investigates the models and specific features of integrating links between higher educational establishments and economic entities. In addition, the methodology for evaluating the activities of higher educational establishments by reputable international ratings, the results of these ratings and the factors influencing them have been studied in the article. The article also reflects suggestions and recommendations on resolving the problems encountered in the integration process in higher education on the basis of the results of the research.


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How to Cite
Umarova, K. U. (2022). Integration Processes Between Higher Education and Production: Current Status and Development Prospects. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(8), 290-299.