Multiculturalism or Revamped Monoculturalism: Exploring the Principles, Policies, and Practices Enacted in Korea’s Changing Society

  • Josiah Gabriel Hunt Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, United States
Keywords: Korea, Multiculturalism, Monoculturalism, Society, Policy


This theoretical essay critically explores the principles, policies, and practices enacted in South Korea under the banner “multiculturalism.” The central finding advanced frames Korean multiculturalism as being a sociopolitical device that has the agenda of making migrants “multicultural” by understanding and adapting to Korean monoculturalism. The contribution of this study lies in its in-depth analysis of the rise of Korean multiculturalism in the years after the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games to the present time. The essay concludes with the recommendation that multicultural initiatives be designed to create a broader, more inclusive “we” that enhances Korea’s national identity and culture.


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How to Cite
Gabriel Hunt, J. (2020). Multiculturalism or Revamped Monoculturalism: Exploring the Principles, Policies, and Practices Enacted in Korea’s Changing Society. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 3(4), 9-21.