Cyber Crimes in Kosovo in 2020

  • Frosina Tufa Student in LLM in Department of Criminal Law. Faculty of Law / UBT - Higher Education Institution, Pristina. Republic of Kosovo
Keywords: Cybercrime; Victims; Cyber Attacks; Cyber Investigations; Preventive Measures; Forensics


The paper aims to compile the national and international definition of cybercrimes, their investigation and classification of the types of these computer crimes according to different world-renowned authors. The paper aims to describe the measures taken by countries such as Kosovo, Albania, Russia, the EU and the US in order to prevent and combat the cybercrime. It should be taken into account that cybercrime refers to illegal activities involving computers and computer networks, given the fact that nowadays special importance is given to technology, especially the internet and social networks. The internet has not only facilitated people’s work, but in most cases it has also endangered their lives by causing very serious consequences. This is caused by the daily use of social networks and the dissemination of important information to us, which can lead to its misuse. In cybercrimes, usually, the first targets are people who have no knowledge of these diverse crimes. Therefore, the paper aims to make an understanding of the types of cybercrimes and study the phenomenon of cybercrime and its evolution in Kosovo and other countries with the use of analytical, historical, comparative and statistical methods. As a technique of data collection for the study, content analysis is used, which is usually applied when dealing with the data in textual form.


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How to Cite
Tufa, F. (2022). Cyber Crimes in Kosovo in 2020. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(7), 363-374.