Community Economic Recovery Strategy with Increased Understanding of Business Law Post-Covid-19 Pandemic
The community's struggle to face the Covid-19 Pandemic is not only to be healthy, but also to be able to maintain the existence of the economy as a real form of maintaining the sustainability and welfare of life. The understanding of the community that is required to be creative in creating opportunities must be balanced with an understanding of the legal instruments that are prepared so that creativity is always carried out within the correct legal framework. The government program in the form of National Economic Recovery (PEN) through PP 23 of 2020 which was amended by PP No. 43 of 2020 requires sufficient understanding for the community. The level of public understanding of legal instruments, especially business law will create public trust and all stakeholders to realize economic recovery and growth which is expected to realize the role of the State in protecting and prospering the people. Legal institutions are present to provide legal certainty so that everything is expected to run safely and orderly. Business efforts that prioritize the principle of profit and loss require the presence of legal provisions regarding business so that business activities can run smoothly, orderly, safely and comfortably. The type of normative juridical research is used in this study, while still taking data on the level of public understanding as initial information. The results of the study show that the public's understanding of the provisions of business law is an important key to achieving the expected benefits and legal certainty. It can't have a big impact when the public's understanding of the regulatory materials is not comprehensively obtained by the community. Improving understanding of the provisions of this business law is the key to increasing public confidence in taking business steps that are safer and more comfortable and do not pose legal risks for business people.
Copyright (c) 2022 Ahmad Syaifuddin, Elisatin Ernawati, Tri Ayu Ashari, Ganteng Firnanda, Hilmiatul Lutfia

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